How Candidates Register for a GACE® Assessment

Candidates enrolled in or seeking admission to a Georgia state-approved educator preparation program must be approved to test by their program provider in order to take a GACE® assessment for Georgia certification.

Candidates with a different reason for testing will automatically be provided approval to test by the GaPSC through their MyPSC account. See the GaPSC website for more details.

Once candidates have approval to test, they can register through their ETS testing account or via the online registration system specific to that assessment. Phone registration is available for some assessments. Candidates without access to an electronic form of payment should call ETS Customer Service at 1-855-255-7178.

Registration for the following assessments is done through each assessment's online registration system:

There is no set registration period or deadline for the Georgia Ethics or Paraprofessional assessments. Both Georgia Ethics assessments can be taken at any time; Paraprofessional is administered by appointment at the convenience of the test site and the test taker.

The Teacher Leadership Assessment is administered during Fall and Spring submission windows. See registration and submission window deadlines.

The GACE Paraprofessional assessment is given at participating test centers in Georgia, at home via remote proctor, and Prometric® test centers.

For all other tests:

  • Online registration — available through an ETS GACE testing account 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Phone registration — available at 1-855-225-7178, Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, excluding holidays. If candidates want to register by phone, they must make the call themselves. No one else can register for the examinee. (Note: Registration for the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) can be done by phone only.)

Registration for all other tests, except ASLPI, must be completed at least two full days before the test date (not including the day of registration and the day of the test). Registration for ASLPI must be completed at least four weeks prior to the administration.


See also:


Help Develop GACE Assessments

Georgia educators and faculty members are needed to help develop new content and leadership assessments for GACE.
Learn More about how you can help develop GACE assessments.