Course Matching Chart for GACE® Test Subareas and Objectives

The Course Matching Chart for GACE® Test Subareas and Objectives may be used to compare an educator preparation program's course offerings to the content described by the objectives in the subareas for a particular test. The content of the objectives was developed with the participation of ETS assessment developers and GACE educators, and was reviewed and approved by the GaPSC. That content reflects specific education standards for Georgia educators that are aligned with state and national standards for the P–12 mandated for coverage on the tests by the GaPSC. It is reasonable to expect that Georgia administrators will find a close correspondence between the objectives and the content covered by the courses that candidates are either required or encouraged to take during their preparation for teaching.

The completed chart can be used to direct candidates who are preparing to take a GACE test. If the candidates have taken those courses already, the form will direct the candidates to the previously used course notes and texts. The chart may also help candidates select additional courses in order to learn more about areas in which they feel further preparation is needed.

The content specifications for each GACE test are available in the Study Companion for that assessment. Once you have obtained the relevant content specifications, you may use a process such as the following to complete the Course Matching Chart.

  • Step 1: Determine the number of subareas.

    GACE tests are composed of varying numbers of subareas. Use the content specifications in the relevant study companion to determine the number of subareas in the test the candidate will be taking and enter them on the chart.

  • Step 2: Group the objectives into subareas.

    Using the content specifications, indicate the number of objectives in each subarea. Then draw vertical lines in the row above the objective numbers to indicate the boundaries between each subarea and its objectives. For example, if Subarea I contains objectives 1 to 5, draw a vertical line in the "Objectives No." row between the numbers 5 and 6. Objectives information is especially useful for linking performance information on students' score reports to sets of objectives and the courses to which they correspond. Cross off any blank areas not used on the chart.

  • Step 3: List the courses offered in the program.

    In the first column of the chart, list the courses in the program's curriculum that students are typically advised or required to include in their programs of study leading to educator certification. List courses within and beyond the program as appropriate. To make completion of the chart easier, it is advisable to list the courses in an order corresponding to the organizational pattern of the content specifications (e.g., first identifying and listing the courses that cover the content described by the objectives in the first subarea, then listing the courses that cover the content of the objectives in the second subarea and so on).

  • Step 4: Match the objectives to the courses.

    Read each objective carefully and review the descriptions of the course offerings.

    • If a listed course or set of courses adequately covers the content of the objective, place a check mark in the column corresponding to that objective number in the row of the chart on which the course name is listed.
    • If no specific course or set of courses can be found that adequately covers the content of the objective, leave the column corresponding to the objective number blank and make a separate note about this finding.
  • Step 5 (optional): Identify additional resources for selected objectives.

    If particular library, website or other resources lend themselves for particular objectives, you may amplify the chart by noting that information at the bottom or on the reverse side. This may facilitate your advisement of students who need focused assistance beyond or in lieu of coursework or who need help with objectives for which courses may not be available.

At the conclusion of this process, the chart will display a listing of specific courses that cover the content described by the objectives within each subarea. This information will be helpful in advising students regarding their future course selections or review strategies. This information may also serve as a helpful reference tool during discussions about your program's curriculum in relation to Georgia educator certification requirements.

See an example of a Course Matching Chart as it might be completed by an administrator. It illustrates the use of the chart with GACE English Test I (020). Note that the person completing the form has indicated that there are three subareas by entering the numbers in the blank spaces for subarea numbers. Five objectives were added in Subarea I, four in Subarea II, and two in Subarea III by entering the numbers in the blank spaces for objectives columns. Some of the courses that cover content in the first subarea have been listed in the first column and matched to competencies in subsequent columns (including competencies in other domains). Finally, the person completing the form has cited additional student resources in abbreviated form at the bottom of the chart.

Download a blank Course Matching Chart for your use.

See also:


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