Chapter 2 – Logging in to the Test


Video duration: 1:05

On-screen: [ETS ®.]

On-screen: [Computer-Delivered Testing Demonstration. Chapter 2: Logging in to the Test.]

Narrator: Chapter 2. Logging in to the test.

On-screen: [Examinee Information.]

Narrator: When you log in to the test, you will be shown your examinee information. You must review this information to make sure it is correct and that you are taking the correct test.

On-screen: [Copyright Information. ETS ®.]

Narrator: You will be shown copyright information and a Confidentiality Agreement. When you select ‘Continue’, you are confirming that you know you are viewing these materials only for the purpose of taking the test and agreeing that you will not disclose any of the test materials in any way at any time.

On-screen: [Test Center Regulations.]

Narrator: The Test Center Regulations cover test center and testing room rules and procedures.

On-screen: [If You Need the Administrator.]

Narrator: Instructions include what to do if you have a problem with your computer or need the administrator.

On-screen: [General Test Information.]

Narrator: General Test Information tells you about the timing of the test, breaks, use of scratch paper. Information is also provided about what to do if you have a concern about the wording of a question.

On-screen: [Testing Tools Information.]

Narrator: It also tells you about reference screens and where to find them if they are available.

On-screen: [Begin Test.]

Narrator: At the last General Directions screen, you will click on ‘Continue’ to begin the timed test.

End of Video: Computer-Delivered Testing Demonstration; Chapter 2 – Logging in to the Test